Technical Guidelines

• Each speaker will be allotted 30 minutes’ presentation (25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A).
• All speakers must ONLY use the conference PowerPoint template which will be provided by the conference organizer for their presentations. 
• You should not require any more than an absolute maximum of 20 - 25 slides.
• Use high-quality graphics and photos. Keep graphs and tables simple, and make sure they are legible and appropriately labelled
• Don’t overload slides; make sure each has only one message, and the text is written in large enough font to be easily visible
• Do not put too much text on a slide – you want the audience to listen to you and not to be reading your slides.
• All presentations must be submitted in PowerPoint and PDF formats before the allocated deadline. It will be downloaded onto the conference computer ahead of time to facilitate a smooth transition between speakers.
• Bring your presentation on a data stick or other portable memory devices for emergency purposes.
• You will not generally be able to plug your own laptop into the conference projection system. If you require special technology for your presentation, please email or as soon as you can and we will do our best to help you.
• The sessions are meant to focus on a technical and knowledge based presentations. While it is fine to mention directions and technologies a speaker or their parent organization are building or selling, the sessions are not expected to be used for blatant selling or marketing purposes. 

Technical Paper

* Attach Maximum file size upto 10MB
* Attach Maximum file size upto 10MB
* Attach Maximum file size upto 10MB
* Attach Maximum file size upto 10MB